Never having paid any interest to the field of patency, one would never know that there are so many steps in getting an idea patented. Due to the reason that there are so many steps of patency there are also many different jobs that go with these steps. There is a job for every different step in the process when you decide to patent an idea. First let’s understand the word patent.
Should you have a unique invention idea that no one else in the world has thought of or rather has invented and you are sure is going to work, you need to make this idea your own.
Patenting an idea means that you are lawfully making this idea your and preventing anybody else stealing your idea. As has already been said there are a number of steps that one needs to follow in order to patent an idea. The first step is drawing up an image of your idea. This image is known as a patent figure. There are individuals that specialize in draughting up patent figures. These individuals are aware of the requirements of the patent process and will know exactly what needs to be displayed in your drawing.
After you have completed you patent figure, you need to then submit the figure to the patent office. The patent office will then assign an examiner who will then inspect your patent figure. The examiner looks at every aspect of this figure and then decides if the figure and the idea is worth patenting. These examiners are qualified to make engineering decisions to determine if you design or idea will work as written in https://southfloridareporter.com/how-inventhelp-can-assist-with-new-invention-ideas/ article.
These examiners have different analysts who work with them to understand the different components of the idea. Each analyst has a different expertise that qualifies them to make different decisions on whether certain elements of the idea will work or will not work. These analysts then help the legal department of lawyers that deal with patent law to understand why or why not the idea will be successful and if it should receive a patent or not.